Monday, September 17, 2007

A few minor updates

Not much is really moving on our adoption front, but I know there are friends that check our blog often, so I thought I'd at least give a little update (it's been almost a month since my last post!).

Last week, you may have seen news headlines regarding Russia's president dissolving their government. In reality, Vladimir Putin simply dismissed his cabinet and nominated a new prime minister, in preparation for the upcoming elections. So far, it doesn't look like this should have any effect on international adoptions, but it was a startling headline for us to read all the same.

It is exciting to report that several America World families have accepted referrals and some are even beginning to travel to Russia for their first trip! It sounds like several of the regions we mentioned in our last post have started to give out referrals, which is so wonderful. There is no official "waiting list" that will tell us where we are "in line," as the referrals are given out based on a number of different factors. We are just thrilled to know that referrals are happening, and that families are accepting them and starting to travel. Please pray that we will hear news soon too!