Friday, June 27, 2008

Friday update

Thanks to all of you who have been praying for Sam. He is doing so much better! His fever finally broke on Wednesday night, and he is back to his happy, cheerful self. We are happy to have our healthy little guy back to normal for now.

A few medical updates for those of you who have been wondering:

*We saw the cardiologist today. He listened to Sam's heart and did an EKG. He said his heart is completely normal and he doesn't see anything to be concerned about! Thank you Jesus for taking care of this part of our son's medical journey. We learned today that murmur just means "noise" so a heart murmur is just a noise the heart makes when the blood flows through it. It's not a bad thing (at least in Sam's case). We're going to do a follow-up appointment when he's two and might do an echo cardiogram at that time just to be thorough, but the doc said there was no reason to do it now. I'm sure Sam's glad about that!

*We have an appointment scheduled with our doc in Jax for next Wednesday. We'll bring the test results from Tuesday with us, and hopefully he'll be able to clearly explain to us what's wrong and the next steps ahead. It will be so helpful to have the complete picture.

*In my last post, I was wrong about one of the tests Sam is getting next week. He is getting an ultrasound and a DMSA (not an RNC). This is basically a renal scan. The bummer is that he'll need to be still for 40 minutes to an hours. A one year old? Are they kidding? I'm going to call and see if they have any sedation options or anything. It seems highly unlikely that he could do that on his own.

I promise to post more pics in my next post. Sam and Daddy were going to go swimming today, but it just started raining. Hopefully tomorrow. Woo-hoo!

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